Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

> But if that's the case, headers_check re-runs everything you 
> just did in 'headers_install', which makes the 'headers_install' kind of 
> pointless. To me, it seems more like 'headers_check' is an extension of 
> 'headers_install', adding an extra step of verification.

Actually, you do have a point there. I forgot about 2.6.18 because I've
been working with 2.6.19-rcX where the Makefile dependencies aren't as
broken. My apologies. Nevertheless, my original point about not omitting
"headers_install" still stands.

> I'm really not trying to argue the point, whichever way is ultimately 
> best is fine with me, I just want to be sure I understand how 
> 'headers_check' is intended to be used.

IMHO the problem is "make headers_install" and "make headers_check" are a
bit rough around the edges in 2.6.18. Situation is somewhat better in
2.6.19-rcX but it seems there are other issues to contend with there (for
a later discussion).


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