On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 21:35 +0100, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> Jim Gifford wrote:
> > the bottom line is that there will be some major breakages from the 
> > headers_install, are you ready to tackle those?
> As Dan and I (at least) have previously stated, yes, we're prepared to 
> tackle any BLFS breakage (others are welcome to help out too).

It doesn't seem to be very problematic for x86 and x86_64. I've built
about 700 packages in paldo experimental with linux 2.6.18 headers and
glibc cvs and according to my log the only ones that needed fixing -
relative to my previous header package - were: strace, reiserfsprogs,
avahi, nfs-utils, and ivtv


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