Greg Schafer wrote:
FFS, this whole new way of obtaining sanitized headers has become known as
the "make headers_install" method and you've gone and removed that very
command! Not very educational IMHO. Hope it's clearer now.

Alright, I can see where you're coming from. So ideally, to make use of the 'headers_check' target, you would run something like:

make mrproper
make headers_install
make headers_check
cp -av usr/include/* /tools/include

Correct? But if that's the case, headers_check re-runs everything you just did in 'headers_install', which makes the 'headers_install' kind of pointless. To me, it seems more like 'headers_check' is an extension of 'headers_install', adding an extra step of verification.

I'm really not trying to argue the point, whichever way is ultimately best is fine with me, I just want to be sure I understand how 'headers_check' is intended to be used.

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