Greg Schafer wrote:
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
This is because the target 'headers_check' includes 'headers_install' as a dependency, and therefore runs that first:

You're obfuscating here for no good reason. In fact, your logic is flawed.
Taking your view to extremes, why even specify "make" when for the vast
majority of pkgs, "make install" depends on "make" ? You could simplify
the build immensely! See? It's silly.

This has nothing to do with the way other packages work. This is *only* applicable with this particular package and its Makefile. Why make a temporary directory outside the build tree, install it there first, and then manually move it to its final location when it can be done internally? My point above wasn't to show that 'headers_install' isn't necessary - it was to verify that the end product is the same.

An explanation on the page after the headers_check should clear up any obfuscation. Maybe something like, 'Ideally we would install the headers with the command "make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/tools header_install", but since that would first remove our existing /tools/include directory, we'll manually copy the verified headers.'

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