On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 12:24:11AM -0700, Jim Gifford wrote:
> The bottom line is that LFS should of not created a new package. They 
> should contacted CLFS team and worked together,  which was the original 
> plan way back when 2.6.15 was released.

This is apparently a misunderstanding. The purpose of the tarball was to
provide an easier method for installing the existing rules. Added to the
tarball was a rule to debug uevent leaks, add the 60-persistent rule,
and an attempt (though probably ill-fated) to provide cdrom symlinks (of
which it seems having a user create their own custom rule has gained

The purpose of the repository directory was to track changes.

After those 2 things were in place, I sent a long email about the
differences in the LFS rules and the CLFS rules. That email's sole
purpose was to trigger discussion between the 2 teams. Obviously, it
didn't work. Then, I sent you an email with a basic proposal. Again the
purpose was solely to unify the 2 udev tarballs.

So now, the repo is out there. The first email of differences is out
there (with more emails to follow if the 1st one produces any fruit).
The LFS book is not following what is in the repo, so the repo is open
territory. The ball's in your court. Please go back and look at:


> I have included many links with issues that are between the projects and 
> people trying to get them solved. But again, discussion happens and no 
> action.

No action? I went through several differences between the distros and
CLFS/LFS. I posted a rather long email. I was hoping for some sort of
constructive criticism. I explicitly showed where the differences were
between the two books and gave any rationale notes so that someone could
focus on just those things. Afterall, it's the differences that we are
concerned with, not the similarities.

IOW, I am not offering idle discussion, but real action. I've already
put the mechanisms in place to see that this does get done. I also want
this unified, same as many others. Please reply to the link above and we
can start the ball rolling. If it becomes a productive thing, I will have
another email ready shortly for the next chunk of device rules to be


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