Jim Gifford wrote:

> Just added a compare script. That will compare the difference between the
> raw_headers produced with the headers script compared to the headers in
> llh.

Jim, I've been working along similar lines. I'm getting the diff down all
the time. I've included some stuff below which you might want to include
in your script (or at least duplicate the logic of it). The changes are
pretty much self-explanatory, but for the rationale you could say "value
added userspace tweaks copied from llh" or something like that.

Tho' I still think this self sanitizing caper by us amateurs is a bad idea..


for H in acct resource socket time un wait; do
echo "#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#warning \"You should include <sys/$H.h>. This time I will do it for you.\"
#include <sys/$H.h>
" > linux/$H.h

for H in signal utime; do
echo "#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#warning \"You should include <$H.h>. This time I will do it for you.\"
#include <$H.h>
" > linux/$H.h

for A in alpha arm26 arm i386 ia64 sh x86_64; do
echo '#warning "You should include <sys/io.h>. This time I will do it for you."
#include <sys/io.h>
' > asm-$A/io.h

for A in alpha i386 mips ppc64 s390 sh sparc64 sparc x86_64; do
echo '#error "<asm/init.h> should never be used - use <linux/init.h> instead"' 
> asm-$A/init.h

echo '#error "Compilation aborted. Please read the FAQ for linux-libc-headers 
#error "(can be found at 
' > linux/config.h

echo '/* empty */' > linux/compiler.h
echo '#error Kernel only header included in userspace' > linux/err_kernel_only.h
> linux/syscalls.h

for H in autoconf bootmem elevator list mm mount pagemap percpu spinlock 
vmalloc; do
echo '#include <linux/err_kernel_only.h>' > linux/$H.h

for H in core driver; do
echo '#include <linux/err_kernel_only.h>' > sound/$H.h


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