Greg Schafer wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>> I've been running Alexander's tests 
>> (
> I agree with Alexander that every userspace header should be
> compilable by itself (at least in an ideal world). Note that current
> LLH fails this criteria. Also note there are many kernel headers
> simply not shipped with LLH.

I should have been a bit more specific: I wasn't filtering out headers
that aren't in LLH (and I wasn't going to compile dosemu either).  I
was, however, only checking the stuff in include/linux and
include/asm-i386.  (I've attached the script I run, if anyone's
interested.  Run it from the same directory you run Jim's script.  It
takes 2 params, the kernel version to test and the architecture to
symlink asm to (it symlinks asm to e.g. asm-i386 so that #include
<asm/whatever> from the other headers doesn't pull in stuff from

if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o "$1" == "-h" -o "$1" == "-?" ] ; then
        echo "Usage: $0 kernel-version arch" 2>&1
        exit 1

echo "Starting tests..."

rm -f linux-headers-$1/include/asm
ln -sv asm-$2 linux-headers-$1/include/asm

headers=`find linux-headers-$1/include/linux/ linux-headers-$1/include/asm/ 
-type f -name '*.h'`
gccver=`gcc -dumpversion`

for header in $headers ; do
        echo "#include <$file>" >thistest.c

        if ! gcc -c -I$base/linux-headers-$1/include -Werror -o thistest.o 
thistest.c ; then
                echo "$header ($file) failed."
                exit 1

        if ! gcc -c -I$base/linux-headers-$1/include -Werror -ansi -o 
thistest.o thistest.c ; then
                echo "$header ($file) failed."
                exit 1

rm -f thistest.c thistest.o

echo "All headers passed."

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