On 3/3/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Nicholson wrote:
> > 1.  automake depends on autoconf and autoconf test suites depends on
> > automake.  This is circular.  The only way to solve it is to add one
> > or the other to /tools or to live with less test coverage in autoconf.
> >  I would personally add autoconf to /tools, but that's pretty unlikely
> > given autoconf's tenuous state in the book already.
> Eek. Do you feel that it's worth that?

Nah, probably not for the book.  In general, I don't mind adding stuff
to /tools.  After getting bent over by gcc and glibc for multiple
hours, I don't see the harm in tossing one more tiny package on the
heap.  But, in this case, I think a note should suffice.

I'll try to quantify how much missing the different packages affects
the test coverage.  Unless Chris has done this already.

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