> alnix /usr/pkgsrc/x11/xorg-server $ bmake clean clean-depends
> Take care use bmake instead of make (bmake is NetBSD make).

I also however had a lot of problems with mk.conf.  The structure of pkgsrc
IMHO is a mess...modularity gone mad.  There are random includes out to files
which at times are only a few lines long; I think the base system has
something like nine makefiles, maybe more, plus the mk.conf file.

It's things like this that have caused me to start working on aqbuild.  I've
never claimed to be any sort of master coder...I'm not much more than a raw
newb.  I know some shell scripting, some make and php, and that's about
it...which is actually making development very difficult.  However, I have
used a number of different distributions, and in all my looking, I've never
seen a single package management solution yet that I've been entirely happy
with.  Pretty much all of them have serious problems.  Because of my
programming inadequacies, ordinarily I'd never try and remake anything myself,
but to me the package management problem cried out so piteously to be fixed
that in this case I can't resist trying. ;-)
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