08.04.2017 u 20:11, Michael Wolf je napisao/la:
Krunose schrieb:
08.04.2017 u 19:42, Michael Wolf je napisao/la:
Michael Wolf schrieb:
Krunose schrieb:
facing rather strange bug (?) in Pootle. If I put 'citat' in
search box, Pootle is returning words like 'čitati' and for
'čitati' is returning 'citat' also. It happens with 'š', 'ž', 'č'
and 'ć'. For non-existing word 'moze' it will return 'može', which
is actually a word but that's not what I searched for.
Seams like it's converting diacritics to 'c', 'z', 's' internally.
Yes, it's true. I translate into Upper and Lower Sorbian, they are
Slavic languages as well.
Then it affects Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Slovenian and
possible some other Slavic languages.
Yes, e.g. the Sorbian languages, Polish, Czech, Slovak.
Let's wait and see what happens :D
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