08.04.2017 u 19:42, Michael Wolf je napisao/la:
Michael Wolf schrieb:
Krunose schrieb:

facing rather strange bug (?) in Pootle. If I put 'citat' in search box, Pootle is returning words like 'čitati' and for 'čitati' is returning 'citat' also. It happens with 'š', 'ž', 'č' and 'ć'. For non-existing word 'moze' it will return 'može', which is actually a word but that's not what I searched for.

Seams like it's converting diacritics to 'c', 'z', 's' internally.

Yes, it's true. I translate into Upper and Lower Sorbian, they are Slavic languages as well.

Then it affects Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Slovenian and possible some other Slavic languages.


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