08.04.2017 u 21:54, Krunose je napisao/la:
08.04.2017 u 21:21, Michael Wolf je napisao/la:
Krunose schrieb:

Yes, e.g. the Sorbian languages, Polish, Czech, Slovak.


Let's wait and see what happens :D

I filed a bug:



I'll probably leave a comment latter to bring the heat.

Now when I think about it, it's not just about passing strings incorrectly to URL from search, it's more complicated then that so I stop playing Sherlock Holmes here.

But I kinda doubt it's easy to fix. We'll see...

And thanks for quick reaction! :)


As I suspected, seams that search query _is_ passed as percent encoding for 'čitati' as Firebug in Firefox shows


as what passed to GET and %C4%8D should be percent encoding for 'č' so something else is wrong.

I'll definitely leave a comment to that bug report.


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