facing rather strange bug (?) in Pootle. If I put 'citat' in search box,
Pootle is returning words like 'čitati' and for 'čitati' is returning
'citat' also. It happens with 'š', 'ž', 'č' and 'ć'. For non-existing
word 'moze' it will return 'može', which is actually a word but that's
not what I searched for.
Seams like it's converting diacritics to 'c', 'z', 's' internally.
Not noticed that before but this might not be new. Usually I'm searching
for two or three words so I wasn't really been able to notice that
because of the additional context.
It's not a big deal but instead two or three results, I'm getting fifty.
Does it happen with other languages?
I guess it's not easy to make Pootle to cope well with every existing
language as it might get resource intensive?
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