Sgrìobh toki na leanas 04/05/2016 aig 21:43:

On 03/05/2016 19:14, Kruno wrote:

And there is now way any language smaller then English build something like outside some institute or outside funded
  project of some sort.

Please either rephrase that sentence, or write it in your native language.

It's not that hard to understand. What he said is that unless you happen to be lucky and have an institute or some funding mechanism, as a small language you often don't have the means to go and do the really fancy stuff that would be really nice to have. English has a massive amount of research and resources to throw at its linguistic problems. A language like Scottish Gaelic mostly works on the back of dedicated volunteers (or just a volunteer in some cases) donating time and/or expertise.

For small languages even having a spell checker is huge. There's quite a

When working with evidential grammars, or noun class grammars, spell checking fall apart, because the entire word is rewritten according to the evidential particle, or noun class.

That's a strange and rather defeatist argument. Whatever those are (really never heard of evidential grammars, I'm guessing with noun class grammars you mean languages like Bantu) I have yet to come across a language for which spellchecking is practically or theoretically impossible. Ideographic scripts like Chinese perhaps where you need to take longer chunks or semantics into account to account for 水 vs 氷 being in the wrong place but there are few systems like that. Sure, coverage is an issue in morphologically complex languages but it's by no means impossible. Basque has a dozen or so cases and a myriad of suffixes which can be combined in lots of different ways but oddly enough, spellchecking is possible. You just have to be clever about how you go about creating them.

No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.


*Akerbeltz <>*
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
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