03.05.2016 u 13:29, Dennis Roczek je napisao/la:
And in this paragraph is lying more stuff than some might imagine. Marco
is doing a great job, but because of the underestimate of the hunspell
features and the "wrongly" used git, he is not able to update the
bundled dictionary of LibreOffice (through the bundled one in AOO was
My proposal for the new project would solve many of the problems Marco
has. (if he would have used the project from the beginning, I'm sure we
can solve the actual situation with the en_GB dictionary).
I have started a wiki page for tracking proposals, ideas, pros and cons
together on one page.
Please feel free to improve the page!
I've read that wiki page and as somebody who just started to maintain
dictionary have to say that it's all sounds so good to me to a point
being fantastic (science fiction fantastic).
not doubled maintained word lists by multiple maintainers (not knowing
each other)
will not and can not be resolved.
Who's dictionary to include to that single repository, how to merge
them, how to resolve different concepts (what to include, what to
exclude), how to merge affix files with different affix classes (that
will be a mess). Why you think that included dictionary is 'standard'
and is better then the other one? How to introduce those guys not
knowing each other? The other guy will give up his work? Who will hunt
all those 'other' guys telling them 'Yo, dude, leave that, do this shit!'
How will such a repository resolve competition between two English
You can only make one of them as LO's default and hope it will get
maintained regularly and well (and that other guy will help).
But again,you can resolve which one to include and for which one to care
about. What you will get is other people contributing to a (new) default
LO's dictionary and that's where it might end.
Nobody can (or should) just declare 'we are building dictionary
repository - here use this, not that' just because being in position of
power to do that.
You can leave everything as is but it should be communicated
differently. It's blurry like this, at least it is to me.
It's sounds like equation goes 'LO dictionary maintainer = hunspell
dictionary maintainer' but that is not evaluating true (it's so obvious
that I'm risking here to be called a fool).
Maybe I misunderstood something (my English is bad).
Croatian dictionary hasn't been update since it was released in 2001,
that's fifteen years. I'm desperate for somebody to help me, but the
whole concept feels a little bit problematic. It's the concept that's
bugging me...
What should be done is central repository for _LO_ dictionary and hope
that _that instance_ -- that particular dictionary -- will become widely
use (Firefox etc.).
use of hunspell features correctly (not simple word lists, but by logic)
what this mean? OK, every dictionary should be build using all the
features but those dictionaries who do just word list will continue do
just the word list because is purgatory (or hell) to do this right if
you were not doing it right from the beginning.
If people start randomly add affix class nobody will be able to maintain
those dictionaries pretty soon. That can not be done easily if
maintainer doesn't have access to some other dictionary so he can
automate this job. It's pain and I often regret I took that on myself.
There is no guy in the world who can add word with affix to that
dictionary without me because it will take him tree days to study it (I
need to write some kind of manual for that as soon as possible).
My point: it should be repository for maintaining hunspell's
dictionaries and building extensions for other project - that's fine,
but don't expect it to be lively as Pootle and translations - it's just
not gonna happen, that's not realistic.
Maintaining a dictionary is devil's work and only doom are willing to do
that; let others to participate but only a few will care for technical
part even without a git or gerrit. Other will just want to add word or
two, report a bad suggestion and such, but generally this repository
will make job easy only for thous who are already doing this and that's
where it might end (but it's a lot).
(This is not criticism to the wiki page, I wonted to post this three
days ago...)
Did I get it all wrong?
Hit me hard,
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