There are many things about Hunspell that make me shake my head in
disbelief ;) All the more so given how widely used it is. Like the lack
of documentation to the outside world. I mean, like a user friendly
"Here is how you make a spellchecker for your language" and "All about
affixes" page. But their github space aside, there doesn't seem to be
much. Not at a casual websearch anyway.
The old FOSS caltrop? Great idea, machinery and people, shaky end-user
Sgrìobh Kruno na leanas 03/05/2016 aig 17:26:
I see... (and we shall see).
It's always seemed logical to me for Hunspell project to host
'official' dictionaries. Since it's lacking this feature -- here is a
chance for LO to play this card right.
No doubt, it could become huge.
Thanks for clarifications,
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