04.05.2016 u 22:43, toki je napisao/la:

On 03/05/2016 19:14, Kruno wrote:

And there is now way any language smaller then English build something like outside some institute or outside funded
  project of some sort.

Please either rephrase that sentence, or write it in your native language.

I'm trying to figure out if you mean that English is the only language in which an N-Gram based grammar checker can be created, or if that is the only language for which adequate funding for such a critter can be found.

I think it would make more sense that you commented my first mail; that's were I could (and would) rephrase.

For small languages even having a spell checker is huge. There's quite a

When working with evidential grammars, or noun class grammars, spell checking fall apart, because the entire word is rewritten according to the evidential particle, or noun class.


How that reflects situation with dictionaries in LO?

No grammar checker of spelling checker can fix dadaism. Nor they can think for the user. Only think you can do, is fix typically grammar or spelling mistakes by spelling checker and grammar checker working together.

Without grammar checker you still can cache typo. So having spelling checker is still better then don't having it.

I really didn't want to to start this kind of discussion, but can't thous languages still bit word lists (maybe with affix file) and isn't that better then don't having that option at all?

You know what you are talking and you have whole system in your head (phonology, morphology...), you know what can possibly go wrong and what to correct -- but you only working with Hunspell (and maybe LanguageTool) -- so you work with that and forget about stuff you read in doctorate degrees.

My point was that shift in how dictionaries are (or will be) build should not be expected. I'm surprised that there is that many of them (put aside overall quality).

And I can't build even decent grammar checking with LanguageTool without corpus available. There is one, but I'm not doing this on my on, alone -- forget it. So let it be just spelling checker (broken or not).


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