Hi Alex,
you can download the script from http://ubuntuone.com/1LSDBsRaraP5CHDXMRPjSW
Except for it there is also the whole Getting started guide - original
files, files with manually removed direct formating and files cleaned
by the script.
The styles were modified (colored background) so that one can
distinguish between direct formatting and styles.
The script currently does not accept any switches and can be
meaningfully used only with the LO guides - some stuff is hardcoded
inside. I plan, however, improve it a bit :) See the corr.sh script in
the archive.
What is important - once the text is cleaned up, it should be sent to
the authors replace the originals. Otherwise we will never get rid of
the direct formatting mess.
Dňa 11.10.2013 11:25, Alex Thurgood wrote / napísal(a):
Le 10/10/2013 15:02, Milos Sramek a écrit :
Hi Milos,
The only problem we have encountered (and solved) is oversegmentation of
translation segments owing to direct formatting. Even words were split
by this, making translation nearly impossible. We had to remove the
formatting (replaced by styles) and then had to clean the files by a
script (which removed all direct formatting). The script is available
(but it is not an enterprise grade one :)
I would be interested in being able to use that script to try and
clean up the Base guides I'm attempting to translate at the moment.
email & jabber: sramek.mi...@gmail.com
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