Hi Tom,
Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :
> Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
> the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
> about this issue.
> Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
> documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
> Odt files of up to 60 pages per "chapter" and those chapters get
> combined to form books of 300-600 pages.
> At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
> access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
> good work-flow too.

They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
languages, see
> Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
> good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow? 

The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
proof readers, etc.

Kind regards

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