Hi Tom,

We've just successfully passed a proof-of-the-concept testing of translating the LO guides using OmegaT. It works, even in a team setup in which the translators share translation memory over a subversion (or git) repository.

The only problem we have encountered (and solved) is oversegmentation of translation segments owing to direct formatting. Even words were split by this, making translation nearly impossible. We had to remove the formatting (replaced by styles) and then had to clean the files by a script (which removed all direct formatting). The script is available (but it is not an enterprise grade one :)
I've written to this list about that some days ago.


As I have written to this list Dňa 10.10.2013 11:47, Sophie wrote / napísal(a):
Hi Tom,
Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :
Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
about this issue.

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
Odt files of up to 60 pages per "chapter" and those chapters get
combined to form books of 300-600 pages.

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
good work-flow too.
They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
languages, see
Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
proof readers, etc.

Kind regards

email & jabber: sramek.mi...@gmail.com

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