>At the last gathering one of the attendees had used tubes or Plastic >Pipe as tanks to retrofit tanks into wings. I would like to >exchange some methodology on how and ask you some questions. >Don Lively ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Bill Clapp has some wing tanks using plastic pipes. Seem to me it would be a fairly easy task to cut open the bottom of the wing, install the pipes , re-foam and glass the wing. You might even be able to install some pipes (I'd use aluminum) through the 48" inboard rib without cutting any of the wing surface. Remove and rebuild the wing tip to accept the filler neck and vent. If necessary, you could cut a few holes to shoot in some expanding foam at several points to hold the tanks in place. The possibilities are limited only by one's imagination. I had to cut open my left wing to find and fix a leak in my left wing tank. Although the bottom of my left wing is still in primer it was not really that big of a deal. I cut out the glass and foam in the tank area, cut out the bottom of the tank, re-sealed the tank, re-attached the tank bottom, replaced the foam and sanded to shape, glassed and finished the wing surface. I was flying again in less than 60 days. Larry Flesner