Hi Nick,
   I'm at the same place your at; and I've been scratching my head abit
also. I've left the verticle at N out, and left myself about 8" extra on the
length of the longerons, (since I'm extending the length aft 6"). I wanted a
little extra to play with. I noted on Ricky Farleys webpage he gave some
good advice on ,"What not to". He chopped of his longerons with the 7 degree
angle at 0, not realizing it is actually a compound angle due to the angle
of the sides meeting at 0.
    I've been kicking around the idea of skining only the front half of the
fuselage on both sides, (as Ricky did, you can see it on his web page). I
think I'll cut my scarf joints in the plywood and T-88 them up to J, (which
is the verticle under my scarf joints). The fuselage from J back should be
fairly flat enableing, (hopefully) a fairly easy glue of the plywood. I'm
thinking having the back of the fuselage open is going to facilitate the set
up of the "Webs" for the horizontal & verticle stabilizers.
   The plywood on the front and rear of the verticles at N sandwiches the
front spar of the horizontal stabilizer. If one were to glue the verticles
in while the sides are flat on the bench the two verticles, (one on each
side) would be square with the side, but not with each other. These two
verticles must be parallel with each other in order for the plywood, that
goes on each side of them at N, to fit flush against the verticles and
sandwich the spar of the H.S..
Until you get your sides clamped or glued into position, it's going to be
pretty much impossible to guess what angle the verticles at N need to be.
They'll be actually twisted on their axis to be parallel with each other.
Also to get the front spar of the H.S. square with the fuselage it's going
to be easier to actually have it sitting in the slot formed by the "Web"
(the plywood sandwich created with the plywood on both sides of the
verticles at N). a fraction of an inch off at the fuselage is going to be
exagerated at the tip of the H.S. spar.
   So, to try and sum all this up. One won't know what angle to set the
verticles, or to cut the rear of the longerons until you have the sides
clamped together. Depending on how wide you make your fuselage the angle of
the sides to each other will change. I'm sure one could figure it out with
geometry, but hey I'm just a KR builder.
   This is probably as clear as mud, but my intent is to help

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