Larry wrote: > Test to insure that the return to the wing tanks flow is equal to that being > pumped to the header tank or the difference will be pumped out the > header tank vent. You will be pressure pumping one direction and > gravity feed back from basically an open tank (it is vented).
Not quite Larry. The wing tanks will be totally sealed with their vents entering the header tank at the headers full level (slightly lower than the overflow/vent outlet). Only the header tank will be vented to atmosphere. What the pump sucks out of the wing tanks has to be replaced by something, whether it be fuel or air, or it will suck a vacuum in the wing tanks. They will be alluminum so I can't see them being imploded by vacuum. Therefore the fuel returning to the wing tanks down the wing tank vent lines is actually being sucked down and not running under gravity feed. Geez I hope you understand that, I just about confused myself for a second! Regards Dene Collett KR2SRT builder South africa Whisper assembler See: mailto: