Hello Dene, I do not have a header tank but only wing tanks. My wing tanks are in the innermost part of the outboard wings between the spars. They fill the entire area between the main and rear spar and extend 40 inches outward. Here is a link with a photo showing the tank: http://www.flykr2s.com/wing.html Anyway, these tanks hold 12 gallons each and from full fuel to empty the CG will only move forward 9/10ths of an inch. I love having all the extra room where the header tank goes for other things and easy access to the panel. Check this out: http://www.flykr2s.com/hood.html
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI My Web site: http://www.flykr2s.com/ Mailto:flyk...@wi.rr.com -----Original Message----- Behalf Of Dene Collett Subject: KR> header tanks Hi Guys I have been thinking long and hard about the possibility of not installing my aluminum header tank and just sticking with the two outboard wing tanks. narrower units keeping the fuel close to the CG for minimal influence.