THINK WHAT YOU WANT. Don't listen to people who have not or will not fly in a plane (KR2) with retracts. I was going to change my plane from retracts to a Diehl gear that I purchased from a Netter, before I first flew my plane. I had not gotten a ride in a KR2 prior, cuz I was tooo fat. I decided to fly it first with the retracts. My first landing was hard and sideways. my 2nd 3rd and 4th were good. My 5th was hard and one wing down, broke an alieron off and damaged the stub wing. Gear was still good and no collapse. I have about 160 hours and many landings on the gear, never a problem, 2 flat tires one on landing and a big wobble, no collapse. There are 4 photos of my plane leaving the Gathering on one of the pages. Dave Mullins. Retracts although they do not fully retract look COOL, and are Faster even without the fairing.
Lee Van Dyke A KR2 with RETRACTS......