Virg wrote:"Is the serial number still on the engine?"
Answ.: Yes. I have the following numbers on the case.
AS41,22M,V.W logo in circle, 043.101.101A
Thanks Virg.

Don Chisholm wrote:"HAPI didn't believe in "Stroker V.W.'s"
Answ.: That threw me as I did not have a clue what a "Stroker" engine was! 
However, Google educated me in a hurry.HAPI literature at the time stated that 
HAPI used only
new parts so you are right, he probably bought case and
parts and "souped up the engine" It did not come out of a used car!

R Eason Sr wrote:"Yours may be a type 3" Thanks Ron for
info and commentary.

Oldbiker wrote:"Sounds very much like a type 1"
Thanks Ray.

Albert Cassar wrote:"Best way of telling if it is Tpe 4 is the
exhaust on the bottom of the head..."
Answ.: I have four individual cylinders.Could be HAPI had them  made special. 
So, can't really tell.
Thanks Albert

J.Milland wrote:"Type 4 has aluminum cases;Type 1 has magnesium"
Answ.: Well, hard for me to tell!
Thanks John.

Randy Smith wrote:"I met Rex Taylors son and daughter at OSH.."
Answ.: Yes I talked to Rex at the time when I heard he had
some engine failures and asked if it was applicable to mine and his answer was
that mine was a "totally different engine" and the problems were not related to 
my engine.
I believe he tried to come out with an 82 hp "stroker" and
tried to make good to people with the failures but went broke.Could also be the 
law suite.
Thanks Randy

Well, I will just have to bold on the engine and not worry
what type it really is as long as it pulls the KR-2 through the air!

Thanks every body.

Louis Staalberg
Payson, Arizona

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