At 10:14 AM 9/1/2006, you wrote: >It seems to me that the ONLY sensible place to measure from is the wing >leading edge. >Given that the wing chord is 48 inches and wings are pretty standard, the >centre of lift will be at a known point relative to the leading edge. Pete +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The C.of L. could also be a known point from the propeller, the firewall, or any other place one chooses to measure from. No one is disputing where the C.G. should be, we're only promoting our preference on where it's measured from. You like blonds, Joe likes brunettes, and I like red heads. Which one is better? :-) Pick any place you like to measure from, use the correct procedure, double check your math, and you'll be yelling Yeeeee Haaaaa with the rest of us KR fliers!!!!!!!! I think we've consumed enough band width on this subject. Read the plans and follow directions. For those that still have questions, and are attending the Gathering, we can discuss it there. Larry Flesner