I received an e-mail that suggested my last post on determining c.g.
might have been a bit confusing when I said "referencing back to the
lead edge of the wing".

What I meant was that if you make any changes that will affect the
c.g. location you can choose a new "datum", measure the length
of the new "arm" from that point, re-weigh the aircraft, and with the
new numbers determine the new location of the C.G.

When calculating the C.G. for your KR, you MUST determine the length
of the "arm" for your KR and not use the numbers from any other KR,
even if you choose the same location such as the firewall.  You can't
be certain that your bird is exactly the same as any other.  The actual
math numbers will look different for every KR but the final answer must
fall in the same range as stated in the manual.

Larry Flesner

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