At 04:26 PM 8/8/2006, you wrote:
>I have an engine question.  I also have an 0-200.  do we need to have a
>prop extension.
>James Boyd,

I'm running an 0-200 with a five inch prop extension.  I was going to
use a four inch extension but when I called Wofter-Saber to order
it they said they had a five inch in stock I could have for the same
price.  Didn't take me long to decide on that one.  The farther out
front you get the prop the more efficient it will be.  I just added foam
to the front of the cowl and shaped it to match the spinner.  I figured
if one of the famous racer or time to climb aircraft (I forgot which or
who) could run a 13 inch extension on an 0-200 my tired 0-200
could had a five incher.  240 hours and no problems.  It also gives
the cowl a shark nose look.  :-)
It looks much faster now with wheel pants.

Larry Flesner

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