Some of you know that I was unable to make the trip to Oshkosh with the "KR 
Karavan" on Sunday due to work on Monday.  I left home Tuesday morning, 
making a leisurely trip (The Pig doesn't like this hot weather.) from KHAO, 
stopping at KJOT and KHXF for cheap fuel.

While getting into the plane after propping the A-65 at Hartford, my knee 
hit the throttle, revving the engine and causing the canopy to flip over 
center onto the wing.  When I looked over to the right, I saw that the upper 
longeron was split open through the canopy hinge bolt holes.  The first 
thing I thought of was "what to do".  In the first minute or so, a chain saw 
would have provided an easy answer.  A few minutes later, T-88 came to mind.

There's no FBO at Hartford, but there is a P&W turbine repair station.  Some 
guys there on a smoke break introduced me to a couple of homebuilders who 
tried in vain (at first) to help me find some glue and clamps.   But they 
didn't give up.  They eventually contacted Bill Scheunemann, who builds wood 
wings for Pitts Model 12 among others, and is building a Lancair Legacy (I 
think that's a descendant of the KR isn't it.)  Bill went a long way (20-25 
miles each I think) out of his way to bring some West Systems epoxy, flox, 
clamps and everything else needed including paper towels to repair my 
longeron.  I removed the piano hinge before he arrived.  He mixed some fast 
curing epoxy and flox and proceeded to repair my longeron, then gave me 
advice on low long to let it cure.  I was back in the air (probably with a 
stronger longeron than when I started) when the airshow was over and made it 
to Oshkosh Tuesday evening.

Lessons learned:
- Lock your throttle when you prop your engine (every time).
- Take plenty of change when your stopping at an airport with no FBO, no 
matter how short a visit you plan.
- Homebuilders are the most helpful people around.  (Actually this was 
simply verified.  I already knew that.)

Thanks to Bill and all the other helpful people at HXF, including the guys 
that loaned me tools, those that tried to find T-88 for me, those that 
arranged for a hangar for the night if I needed it, etc.  I owe you and I 
won't forget.

Ken Jones,
Sharonville, OH
N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig, KR-2

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