Dan I made a mould of the NACA duct and have them each side of the fuse under the panel and just in front of the Main spar.
If all fails I could mail you the mould, or make you one to spare around over there. I just need to get it back from a friend I let it to. AS My kr in not flying yet so I do not know how well the work. But you can see them on my web page on the opening page , click on the top right picture and see it from the outside, then open the instrument page and click on the bottom photo and see the control flap I made for the air in the cabin Phillip Matheson 0408665880 (cell) VHPKR Australia. mathes...@dodo.com.au NEW WEB PAGE www.philskr2.50megs.com http://www.vw-engines.com/ OLD WEB PAGE http://mywebpage.netscape.com/flyingkrphil/VHPKR.html