"ken" wrote:

>  how much do corvare engines weigh? do you think 240lbs is too much 
> weight?

My Corvair weighs just about 240 pounds, absolutely complete and read to go. 
The engine you mention may not have a carb, exhaust, or some other necessary 
things included in that weight (from what I can tell).  I have to admit that 
I also looked at that early on.  Since I have a Corvair hanging on the front 
of my plane, and I know the plane can withstand a 5g landing, I know it'll 
work.  For more Corvair info, see 
http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/corvair/index.html .  The biggie to me is 
the cost.  I doubt you could buy a  Moravia engine for $3500, but then you'd 
have a new engine with a pretty long TBO, so there may be something to be 
said for that.  The same can be said for the 0-200 (which they still make 
new at Teledyne Continental), but the price of admission is the big 
discriminator in both cases...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net 

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