Have you looked at Cherry BX-2 removable wing?

Here you can see tapered spar which slides into center spar.  It is also 
clearly visible "socket and receptacle" type of connection for aileron 
control tube. It automatically connects when you plug in the wing into 
the wing stub. It simple, and easy to take them out or put them back 
in.  Only one bolt per wing.  I haven't build them yet.  Still working 
on the tail (horizontal is removable too).  Check other photos on the 
following website

Westbury, NY

>>thanks for the in put but i'll probably enfd up doing some experimental
>>work on a test spar i'll let yall know what i come up with -- i'm looking
>>to make  an attachment that plugs in and then bolts  ****although JOACHIN
>>did have a good idea with the explosive bolts!

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