Ken You will find some photo's on my web page of some pivoting Wing brackets I found at and air show. They are NOT on my KR. But are very similar to a KR wing set up.
Over the past few months I fitted and removed my wings in the workshop MANY times, for building purposes. I found this way the easiest for one person. Lay the wing on the ground in the correct position with ?? foam blocks to protect the Pitot tube etc. and wing tip. -Lift the WAF end of the wing onto my knee when crouched in front of the Leading edge. -Lift the wing with my leg and slip the lower WAF bolt into place - Walk around and slid the rear bottom WAF bolt in - lift the wing tip up and place a stand with a foam block under the wings main spar - then slid the stand along the wing until the bolts holes are lined up - install all the bolts EASY!!!!! ( you are using the bottom WAF's as hinges, and lift the Wing tip up) I did glue a block under the WAF's on the Inner wings to rest the outer wing on when fitting. But the above method seems to work well for me. My method and you may find a better method, and my way could change after another many times of practice. Phillip Matheson 0408665880 (cell) VHPKR Australia. NEW WEB PAGE OLD WEB PAGE