I have previously used an Icom A22 in an open cockpit ultralight (Drifter) and didn't mind the performance.
My KR currently has an Icom A200 in it, and as soon as I can afford it, I will be replacing it with an XCOM. This is for 3 reasons, described below. A-The XCOM can monitor 2 VHF frequencies simultaneously. So 121.5 in STBY and the freq in use in the other. B-The XCOM is smaller, lighter, and has an AUX input. C-The XCOM also has the capability to give the First Officer their own PTT so they can make the radio calls. I like that. For the Americans on the list, the XCOM also has the ability to monitor NOAA weather channels. This feature is totally useless to me in Australia though. If anyone wants to take the ICOM off my hands, they would be most welcome. Email me off net. It is about 3 months old, and has about 5 hours flying on it. Works like a dream, I just don't like it. Cheers, Rob. Robin Wills Second Person, Pacific National KR-2 19-4594, Ser# N111 krvia...@bigpond.com