Some of you youngsters out there Don't remember when after learning to use the E6B and chart, we were told how to look for the navigation light towers. We could line up on a rotating light and check the chart for the direction to the next light and then follow the lights to anywhere in the country. I flew a C-45 from ElPaso to Witchita on the lights. at the same time,(at least when I started flying) we had the A-N radio range where you had to keep a steady tone in the headsets to stay on course. With a 3 degree spread on the signal, you could be 45 miles away from the station and fly in a cilcle and still keep a steady tone in the headset. By the way, I think that the only remaining light tower (Navigation type) is just a few miles from me on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi at Saint Paul. Pat Driscoll Saint Paul, MN LIFE MAY NOT BE THE PARTY WE HOPED FOR.... BUT WHILE WE ARE HERE WE MIGHT AS WELL DANCE!"
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