`I just removed the bad side from my fuselage. It came off in one piece. I 
tried my heat gun but it would only stay on for about 45 seconds on high heat 
and then would be about a half hour to cool off enough to turn on again. I used 
my wife's steam iron. I found that if I put it on high and lrt it set on the 
plywood over a glue strip, it would soften the glue enough in about a minute 
and I could pry up a little ways to eacg end of where the iron sat. I was 
afraid that the glue would re-bond when I moved the iron but found that if I 
pried the plywood up a ways and then moved the iron down a full length, the 
T-88 would cool enough that it would not bond. In fact, it cooled fast enough 
that it was hard enough in places that I had pried loose in the beginning that 
the sharp points of glue where it seperated had hardened enough to make mince 
meat out of my hands and leave quite a few drops of blood on the wood. 
   I think I'll keep track of all the cuts and paint drops of blood under the 
side of the cockpit like the fighter planes do. Hell, buy that time I would 
have to paint the entire plane red. 
   Have a good time at the gathering. Bob G. you can drink a couple of sodas 
for me.
Pat Driscoll
Saint Paul, MN

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