>"How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step
>by Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot", by John Muir

Brings back a huge flood of memories.  Truly a cult classic from that era, 
came out in 1969 (the year I graduated from high school), and who knows how 
many thousands of VWs were brought back to life thanks to that book.  I sure 
learned a lot helping three friends rebuild their burned-up van engine using 
that book and some common hand tools.  Had the engine all the way down to 
split cases and had no idea that was what it looked like under the tin.  
Real mechanics like Langford might cringe or scoff at some of the backyard 
techniques that Muir uses, but hey- it works!

By all means, if you can find that book, it's a classic.  I just checked 
Amazon.com and they have used ones available in good condition starting at 
under five bucks.  Such a deal!

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX
mailto: taildr...@hotmail.com
website at http://www.flysquirrel.net

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