Orma Have lost confidence in my type 4 rebuild and now find it prudent to move plane back to garage at home and start over. Wondering if I should be looking at a type 1 engine. For what I have spent in time and money on this junk yard rebuild, I could have gotten a new engine from GPASC. I am in East nor east Vermont, (it's called the North East Kingdom) and the weather is not kind!
- KR> Sport Pilot lecture Matt Lansford
- KR> Sport Pilot lecture Robert L. Stone
- KR> Sport Pilot lecture patric...@usfamily.net
- KR> (no subject) Orma
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) Orma
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) Orma
- KR> oil pump clearance Mark Langford
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) Orma
- KR> (no subject) peter.burg...@exxonmobil.com
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- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) Ron Freiberger
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- KR> (no subject) Orma
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