Re; tail wheels/blocks. I used spruce, flat on one side to bolt to boat, curved
on the down side to match the curve of the spring. I used a curved piece of
snowmobile trailer spring to lift my tail up just a bit more. I reversed curved
the very end to accomodate the standard RR fork. The spring is thicker 1/4" for
two reasons; first, I didn't like the bottom shape or angle of the RR rudder,
prefering instead a line following the curve of the fuselage bottom. The
thicker material and curve in the spring warrantees that the spring wont hit
the rudder in a hard landing. Second, I knew that I would need to add weight to
the rear end because of other design changes. This helps to avoid the use of
useless ballast! My local auto spring shop made the spring for me in about ten
minutes and charged me $5. Caution: I did use the KR 3/16 bolts at first, but
in taxing testing one of them broke. Have gone to 1/4". So far so good