At 01:33 PM 10/12/2004, you wrote: >You guys building composite tanks: > >How are you routing the fuel lines through the tank sides? Are you >drilling a hole, floxing, then using an AN fitting, or just running a hard >line though a hole and floxing the whole mess in place.
I started with an aluminum welding flange, Aircraft Spruce part number AN867-3 with a finger strainer, AC Spruce part number 05-17700. Then fittings as necessary. I drilled about 6 small holes in the flange, bedded it in place with flox against the tank wall, and the put a layer of glass over it. It works extremely well. Don Reid - donreid "at" Bumpass, Va Visit my web sites at: AeroFoil, a 2-D Airfoil Design And Analysis Computer Program: KR2XL construction: Aviation Surplus: EAA Chapter 231: Ultralights: VA EAA State Fly-in: