Stephen this is exactly how the stress and load factors are determined in
the Marcel Jurca replica fighter designs. That being said however this
designs have a one piece wing which is fastened to the fuselage the same as
the Pazmany designs. This would be an easy enough change to make on the KR
series aircraft but the purists out there are bound to flip there collective
wigs at the mere mention of making structural changes even though they
themselves are usually guilty of doing exactly the same changes as so well
documented on the various web pages of Netters. I would also point out that
many have stated over and over here that each KR is a one off machine, even
if built exactly per plans. Study any and all information you can and after
taking into consideration the snowball effect that any changes tend to
create and what you want your aircraft to do performance wise (fast or sort
field, stable enough to relax and enjoy the ride or constant attention to
keeping it in the air), make your own choice. It would also be wise to get
the opinion of the local FAA (or Air Ministry for those in other Countries)
representative as they are the ones that shall make the final decision as to
whether you will fly or have a very expensive lawn ornament.
Doug Rupert

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