It really
>doesn't help to email the list administrator (ME) and dog-cuss me!
  I've just about had enough of this...
>Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama

Would those netters that have been "dog-cussing" Mark either back off
or delete themselves from the list, please.  We don't thank Mark enough
for all the effort he puts in to keep the list going.  For him to have to take
a mean mouthing for things beyond his control is asking too much.  

Thanks, Mark.........  Maybe a good solution for you would be for you
to announce to all that you intend to forward the "private dog-cussing"
e-mails to the net for all netters to see who these "dog-cussers" are.
Then maybe the rest of us can get in on some "dog-cussing" ourselves.

I hauled two loads of skydivers yesterday evening for a local festival
and after many hours in the KR the C-182 seems to drive like a tank!
I actually found myself using both hands on the yoke to flare and 
wondering what was wrong! :-)  If the weather clears I'll take a flight
in the KR today and get my head back on straight.

Larry Flesner

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