Mark, About Yahoo groups. I was on a list there for years that one day just disappeared without warning. The Group didn't break any of Yahoos rules. We think it was at the government's request because the group was about income taxes. The state versions of the national list were also shut down by Yahoo. We started the group up again and were shut down a second time within two days. The group had to host the list offshore to keep our so called "freedom of speech" alive.
It is not because the information we exchange is wrong or illegal, It is because the government does not want us spreading the the word that there is no liability for income taxes. Everything we post can be traced to USC Title 26, Supreme Court Decisions, or US District Court Decisions. It's all about the Law. Dave Mullins Nashua, New Hampshire Mark Langford wrote: >Ameet Savant is checking into the Yahoo lists. That might make a good >"secondary" list where folks can post pictures and stuff like that. If it >works out OK, maybe we can migrate there. > >