Mark, Have you thought about moving the web site to a server that includes a mailing list as part of the hosting package? Of course, one of the disadvantages is you would now be responsible for managing the list which will probably involve more "dog-cussing."
Based on WHOIS results it looks like is hosted at, which does not include a mailing list in the package (and for those interested, costs either $20 or $60 per month for 2GB or 4GB of data transfer). costs as little as $7.95/mo for 40GB/mo and includes one mailing list. (Disclaimer: I have a web page hosted at I haven't actually used the mailing list. -- wesley scott ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Langford" <> To: "KRnet" <> Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 8:47 AM Subject: KR> want to unsubscribe? > > Anybody that knows of a more reliable list that doesn't blast you with > advertising or sell your email address to spammers is welcome to throw it > out to the group for discussion. I've just about had enough of this... >