Hi Brian,
I laid-up glass over the outside of an assembled cowl and made a female
mold.  The resulting parts look fine.  I recommend you pay particular
attention to the joggle where the two halves join.

Ross has seen the mold and resulting parts I built.  He thought it
looked pretty good.  It sure was easy!

John Bouyea
KR2 - hanging the engine accessories
KR2S - boat hanging from the rafters


From: "Brian Kraut" <brian.kr...@engalt.com>
Subject: RE: KR> Engine and cowling
I was thinking that I could put the two cowl halves together, coat the
inside with mold release, cover the intake and prop holes, and fill it
with the two part foam to make a plug that I could use for the carbon
fiber cowl.  Anyone ever done this before?

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