>I was wondering if the decalage is correct with the RAF-48 wing.  I might
>just go ahead and make my stab adjustable also.  Maybe even connect the
>adjustable stab to a trim wheel.
>Brian Kraut

Piper was doing that 50+ years ago.  The KR is a much smaller and
lighter aircraft and the additional weight of an adjustable stab will have
a greater effect than on my Tripacer.

If you haven't built the wing yet why not consider the new wing?
If you go with the RAF 48 you might consider a different lead 
edge as in the KR100.  One of the previous owners said there
was no change to the lead edge but I have a RR video with the
designer of the KR 100 saying the wing was an RAF48 with a
redesigned lead edge.  As to what the change was I haven't 
a clue but I'd sure like to have five minutes alone with the aircraft
and some tracing paper. :-)

Larry Flesner

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