
I am the original purchaser/would be seller, and never built
an aircraft. If someone buys the plans from me and they
build an aircraft (which would be "one aircraft" because I
did not build one)am I in violation of anything?


--- Max Hardberger <> wrote:
> Since my business deals with contracts, I can add to this discussion that
> the covenant to build only one aircraft per set of plans purchased is
> enforceable only against the original purchaser. If he violates the terms of
> his purchase contract by selling the plans, that is a matter between him and
> his contracting partner (here, RR). Anyone who buys the plans from him is
> violating no laws, and is not even violating a contract, since the second
> purchaser has no contract with RR. Even language on the plans themselves--
> "For one A/C only" or something like that--has no effect on the second
> purchaser.
> As to the morality of buying used plans, that's a question for a priest, not
> a lawyer. I can only say that the second purchaser has violated no laws or
> contract.
> The above is for general reference only and is not meant to be legal advice.
> Max Hardberger
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