--- Aggie lewanda <agat...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Gavin Donohoe <gavinandlou...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> > Does anybody have some KR2S plans unused available, at a discounted price?
> > 
> > 
> Dear Gavin,
> Contact me off the list.
> agat...@yahoo.com
> Thanks,

My correct phone number is (864) 232-3825. Sorry about the old #

Since this is going out to the entire net,
is there anything legally or ethically wrong
with me selling the one set of plans I bought from R.R. in 2000?

I love the design and would really like to fly.
However, I have had these plans over 2 years
during which time my business has been very slow
and my wife seems to think spending money on building an aircraft
is unwise.(To put it mildly) Naturally I have to get along with her.

I was close to buying an uncompleted project
recently at a great price and my wife got very
unreasonable about the whole thing.

I love flying and I love my dog, but in the end, I guess I love
sleeping in my own bed more than in an unfinished KR, or the


Dean Allen

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