Mark, If you know of a gun shop in your area they may
be able to help you. Some of the larger shops have
bluing or rebluing services. The metal is dipped in
lye at a certain temperature to hot blue it, but some
places have a cold bluing kit. Just a suggestion, Rick
Wilson.     P.S. (This would make
it look like a gun barrel) it would still have to be
oiled, but wouldn't be nearly as susceptible to rust.
--- Mark Langford <> wrote:
> Mark Youkey wrote:
> > I looked in "The Science and Engineering of
> Materials" and found that
> > perhaps the best way is to zinc plate the steel.
>  Hey, I have that book too!  Guess I should have
> opened it.
> Actually, I'm looking for something I can do at
> home, but I may have to go
> that way.  I also considered powder painting it,
> which is supposed to be
> only .002" thick, but last time I had something
> coated it looked more like a
> .100", and had runs all over it.  They make
> home-brew kits, so that might be
> an idea.  But plating is a distinct possibility,
> assuming they can handle
> something 8 feet long.  Waxing may just get me there
> too, as long as I
> inpect it every time the wings are off, and it'll
> make it operate with less
> friction.  Call me optimistic on this one...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
> N56ML "at"
> see KR2S project at
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